A Moment Of A Hope

Anyone who knows me knows the one thing you will always hear me say is "Happiness is a Choice!" Because I have learned happiness is a choice, I have decided to choose "HAPPY". There are more than five things you can think about right now, that can cause you to be unhappy and would support feelings of worry, anxiety, stress or even depression; but I challenge you to fight and push through all of those thoughts and declare that on today, in this moment, I choose to be happy! Happiness is yours for the taking and you should never give anyone the right or power in your life to take it away. No, things will not always be easy or go the way we want it to go. Yes, you will be challenged, betrayed, devastated and perhaps lonely at some points of your life. Even when feeling lonely, remind yourself that God promises to never leave you, to never forsake you and to be with you always. Now that is good news and more than enough reason to be happy.  Choose happy, you will be happier for doing so. 

Peace & Blessings,

Sonnie's Creations
Sonnie's Selections & Designs